Wednesday, April 27, 2016

Week 2 Updates

Awesome class last week!  Special thanks to our teachers and volunteer French family visiting with us!  Blandine wanted me to share with the class parents that she was VERY, very impressed with the amount of retention the younger kids had from previous sessions!  I wanted to quickly provide some updates for next week....

*  Everyone should have taken home a French folder full of handouts to aid with at home practice.  Please bring the folder with you to class if you attend the older class / parent session to follow along each class.  Otherwise, if you have a child in only the younger session, you can keep it at home.  The main things to practice this 6 week session include the:  Weather song, Danson song, 1-20, the French conversation piece, and the new weekly vocab.  On Week 6, we'll rehearse for prizes (mostly in a group, no worries!)

*  On Week 4, we will be learning about vegetables.  If you would like to volunteer to bring a veggie to share with the class, please let me know.

*  On Week 5, the younger children are having up a dress up day where they can come as a prince or princess to class.  The vocab and activity will match up well with this theme.

* On Week 6, the younger and older kids will join forces to review all that was taught, and to learn all about the Louvre!

*  Lastly, I'm sorry it was tricky to find our room last week!  Good news is that moving forward we will now remain in those classrooms.  The school doors right next to those rooms will now be programmed to remain open from 3:00 to 4:30, and checking in is no longer required.   It should be a fast and easy process to get to and from class now!

OK, I'll stop with updates..... for this week!! haha   Like I always say, there is soooo much to talk about with this French class!  That's a good sign, it means there is so much going on with it, I could talk for hours on end!  haha  Would love to do a French field trip with the kids sometime!  Maybe this summer we could do a meet up at Bastille Days for those interested?  I went last year and checked it out.  It lasts several days, and there is one day that is more child /family friendly morning that would be fun to attend!  Parking was nuts, but the kids still remember the big Eiffel tower, the can can dancers, and the fromage!  Here is a link:

Have a great week!  Happy practicing!


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