Thursday, May 19, 2016

French Resources

Bonjour Mes Amis!

Recently, I've come across 2 French resources I've really liked that I thought I'd share with the group!  If you have resources you recommend too, please email me and I'll update the blog with those.  :)

First, Blandine has shared with me this fun workbook she owns, and I liked it so much I bought my own copy. Only $5 - super affordable!  (on Amazon)  It is a nice little workbook for little kids aged K-5, and has the phonetic spelling provided too, which is a huge help for me!

Secondly, a friend teaching her child Spanish introduced me to this foreign language series, and it is offered in French too.  So far, the kids and I like this the best of previous children french movies I've bought.  The series is called Whistlefritz, and they are sold on Amazon too.

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