Thursday, July 23, 2015

Important Updates for Next Week

As a reminder, next week we will be meeting twice - Tuesday and Wednesday!  Same time (3PM) and same place (Family Center).  

Tuesday:  One of our parents has arranged for a guest speaker from Normandy to visit!  The speaker will begin at 3:00PM at the start of class.  The speaker will tell a little about her life in France, read a children's book in French, and do a question / answer time.  Please talk with your children about this ahead of time and come up with 2 questions to ask the speaker.  Afterwards, we will move to the classroom where we will have a snack of crepes made by another mom in the class!  And, if time allows Madame Michelle has a fun game to play (if not, she'll have the kids try it out during a future class).  Merci to everyone collaborating to make this a super special class!  :)

Wednesday:  Madame Michelle will hold class meeting 5.  She is having a great time teaching our French class and is having a lot of fun with the children!  She asks if parents would do some extra reinforcing of colors over the next couple of weeks at home to help with an upcoming class activity she has planned using colors.  Here is a fun youtube link that reviews colors....   Also, she recomends using the colors in day to day language - such as, when getting dressed, coloring, driving....

Lastly, click here to check out information on Session 3 (our current 6 week session)....!2015-session-3/c20id

Have a great weekend!  Merci!  Marianne

Parent Resources

I added a new tab on the Les Amis website under "Resources" called "Home Tool Kit."  As instructors and families pass along great resources, I will post them there.  Please click on this link!home-tool-kit/c10cr to check it out.  So far, I have posted several useful resources including......

1.  The very helpful Parent Resource Guide that Madame Michelle created.  A paper version was handed out in class last week, but you can always refer to the electronic version now too.

2.  All of the French vocabulary bookmarks that Madame Michelle created for the Summer Session that are given out weekly in French.  I keep this handy resource posted on my fridge at home and find it so helpful to encourage weekly practice.

3  Tools and resources to reinforce the important foundational vocabulary Madame Qerimi and Madame Michelle have been introducing and reviewing regularly.

4. A fun clean up song with French and English subtitles! This is also found on the parent resource guide.  I know I'll be practicing this one at home as much as possible - love it!

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Class Song!

Madame Michelle created a fun French song to teach our students, and it really fits our group name name, "Les Amis!"

Sing the song to the tune of Twinkle, Twinkle, and we can practice it in class together.

Bonjour Bonjour Mes amis (wave to each side)
Comment ca va aujourd’hui? (hands in air questioning)
Ca va bien merci et toi (thumbs up and point out)
ca va bien merci et toi
Bonjour Bonjour Mes amis
Comment ca va aujourd’hui?

Update from Madame Michelle!

Bonjour Parents!

This week we are working with a Birthday theme! Seeing how July 15th is La fête de la bastille in France it was fitting to do this theme around the real celebration day. When I was in France I was not able to be in Paris on this day, but I was in LaRochelle...a beautiful coastal city. Nothing special really happened except for a feu d’artifice  (fire works!) over the ocean. In Paris there is always a big celebration. This week I suggest making crèpes for dinner in honor of the French holiday! Crèpes are easy to make and are kiddo approved! You can make them sweet and fill them with nutella, jams, or even just plain sugar. When a crèpe is savory it is called a galette. Galettes are filled with warm ham and cheese, or can even be garnished with a small bed of greens and an egg over easy on top. Breakfast, lunch and dinner... crèpes are magnifique! Try out the recipe below.

P.S. Here is a link to watch real French crepes being made on the street!


  • 1 cup milk
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup plus 1 Tbs. all-purpose flour
  • 1/2 Tbs. melted unsalted butter, plus 8 tsp.
  • butter
  • 1/2 tsp. salt
In a blender, combine the milk, egg, flour, the 1/2 Tbs. melted butter and the salt and blend until smooth. Refrigerate for 2 to 8 hours.

In a crepe pan over medium heat, melt 1 tsp. of the butter to coat the pan evenly. Lift the pan at a slight angle and pour 2 Tbs. of the batter into the center, tilting the pan to spread the batter to the edges. Return the pan to the heat and cook until the crepe is golden underneath, 1 to 2 minutes. Using a spatula, flip the crepe over and cook for 1 to 2 minutes. Transfer to a plate and cover. Repeat with the remaining batter. Makes 8 crepes.

Fill with sweet or savoury ingredients to your preference! ☺

Monday, July 6, 2015

Session 3 Starting Soon!

Bonjour Mes Amis!   French class will be starting up again on Wednesday!  Here are a couple of quick updates for you to be aware of...

1.  Classes meet from 3:00 - 4:00PM during summer session, not 3:20 to 4:20.  Also, classes meet on Wednesdays, not Tuesdays.  I'm sorry I keep saying this, but I'm just a worrier and picture people coming on the wrong day or time.  So, I thought I'd say it one more time.  :)

2.  I updated our website with information about Session 3 Week 1.  (I'll have the future weeks updated soon).  Please check it out because Madame Michelle put together a fun first week for the children and designed some very helpful parent resources too!!2015-session-3/c20id

3.  We will need to decide as a group the best date for our 6th meeting.  I think August wasn't the best month for some families who attend, so we'll probably be looking at a July date and doubling up a week.  We can talk more during class, but thought I'd mention it ahead of time.

4.  Amy has a guest speaker from France who is able to come to one of our classes and speak with the kids!  The guest can't come on Wednesdays, but she is free on Tuesday, July 28th.  Would it work for everyone to switch our class to meeting on Tuesday that one week?  Or perhaps, that could be the make up date that we are trying to schedule?  Just some ideas to think over, let's talk in class and see what works for everyone.

5.  Bastille Days is in Milwaukee this week July 9 - 12!  Here is the link to the website...   On Saturday, July 11 at 10AM there is a scheduled "Kids' Activities."  Let's talk more about this in class!  I haven't gone before, but I think some families in class have.  Maybe they have some helpful tips for going with kids, parking...  I hear it isn't good to bring kids in the evening.  What is Bastille Days?  Check out this little summery to learn more...