Monday, July 6, 2015

Session 3 Starting Soon!

Bonjour Mes Amis!   French class will be starting up again on Wednesday!  Here are a couple of quick updates for you to be aware of...

1.  Classes meet from 3:00 - 4:00PM during summer session, not 3:20 to 4:20.  Also, classes meet on Wednesdays, not Tuesdays.  I'm sorry I keep saying this, but I'm just a worrier and picture people coming on the wrong day or time.  So, I thought I'd say it one more time.  :)

2.  I updated our website with information about Session 3 Week 1.  (I'll have the future weeks updated soon).  Please check it out because Madame Michelle put together a fun first week for the children and designed some very helpful parent resources too!!2015-session-3/c20id

3.  We will need to decide as a group the best date for our 6th meeting.  I think August wasn't the best month for some families who attend, so we'll probably be looking at a July date and doubling up a week.  We can talk more during class, but thought I'd mention it ahead of time.

4.  Amy has a guest speaker from France who is able to come to one of our classes and speak with the kids!  The guest can't come on Wednesdays, but she is free on Tuesday, July 28th.  Would it work for everyone to switch our class to meeting on Tuesday that one week?  Or perhaps, that could be the make up date that we are trying to schedule?  Just some ideas to think over, let's talk in class and see what works for everyone.

5.  Bastille Days is in Milwaukee this week July 9 - 12!  Here is the link to the website...   On Saturday, July 11 at 10AM there is a scheduled "Kids' Activities."  Let's talk more about this in class!  I haven't gone before, but I think some families in class have.  Maybe they have some helpful tips for going with kids, parking...  I hear it isn't good to bring kids in the evening.  What is Bastille Days?  Check out this little summery to learn more...

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