Thursday, June 25, 2015

Week 1 Postponed Until July 8th!

Bonjour! Summer session is starting soon, and I have a few important updates to share.

1.  We will be meeting at the West Bend Family Center again for our location.  In the fall, we may move to St. Johns School, but will stay at the family center this summer.

2.  We had a few glitches with starting class on July 1st, so we will be postponing starting the class until Wednesday, July 8th.  We can all talk in class about choosing a day that works for everyone so we have our 6 meetings.  We can pick another day of the week during July to make it up.  So please do not come to class next week.  Week 1 will start July 8th from 3:00-4:00PM (please note the summer session time change as well;  it is a 3:00PM start time instead of 3:20.  I apologize if that caused an inconvenience for anyone's schedule planning. 

3.  Madame Milliken has lots of fun summer lesson plans up her sleeve and parent resources to help us practice with the kids at home! I'm missing regularly practicing French during the week and and am eager to start again!  She plans to incorporate summer vocabulary that we can use with our kids in our day to day activities to encourage home practice.

I'm writing you all from beautiful Scotland for the wedding!  Sooooo close to France, but no time to zip over there!  C'est la vie!  :)  (I've been waiting for a good time to use that phrase!  Finally! haha )  However, we do have time for a little sightseeing and will be touring Castle Culzean tomorrow, I attached a picture of it below.

Please let me know if you have any questions about the above updates.

See you on July 8th, Au Revoir!


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