Friday, June 5, 2015

Madame Michelle Introduction

     Bonjour! Je m'appelle Michelle.  Hello my name is Michelle. I am so excited to meet all of you during out first session! I have just completed my k-12 French teacher certification and could not be more thrilled to share my passion for language with the students and their families.

     A little background about me: I graduated from UW-Milwaukee with my bachelors degree in French. I spent three months in LaRochelle, France in the summer of 2012 and came back from that experience certain that I wanted to make French my career. I continued my education with Cardinal Stritch University where I became certified as a K-12 French teacher. 
     French is my passion. I watch French movies, listen to French music (often in my car... a little too loud), and I have a particular interest in French children's books and classic fairy tales! Before and during my time at Cardinal Stritch University I nannied for two little girls under the age of 2 and spoke French to them. The older one will still request the French lullabye that I sang to her before naptime! I had the most wonderful time with them and always wished I could teach a French class to younger students. I am continuously amazed at how quickly little minds latch on to language!
    In my free time, I love to sew! I cannot sew clothing...yet! However, I have made quilts and lots of items for around the house. It is my goal this summer to make myself a quilt. My other favorite activities include farmers markets, coffee, tea, movies, and sitting on my front porch with friends and family.
I look forward to meeting you all very soon!
À Bientôt!

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