Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Official Group Name! We NEED your help!!

Finally!!!  We are going to soon have an official name for our French group by  next week!  But, we realllllly need your help!!  Please take a minute to quickly vote on your top 2 or 3 or 4 favorite names found on this link..


Voting is anonymous!  We are totally stumped and need your help and input!   I will then tally up the votes on Friday and announce the official name next week!  Keep in mind, the name should be easy to pronounce for us beginning French speakers, something we would perhaps want on a t-shirt for the kids someday, a name we can have to promote the group, eventually a logo...

Feedback wanted from parents, children, teachers, assistants, families on the waitlist...


Marianne and Madame Qerimi!

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