Monday, May 25, 2015

Session 3 Schedule

Dear Parents,

Session 3 will begin on July 1st, this group will meet on WEDNESDAYS, not Tuesdays during just the summer.  Then, back to Tuesdays in the Fall.

The location for classes is not yet known, but it should be at either the West Bend Family Center, West Bend Library, or St. Johns school.  I will keep you posted on that.

Hoping to get 4 or 5 more families interested so a Thursday group can be started too.  I think it will hopefully happen by the fall, and possibly by summer.  So, please spread the word! :)

If you want to join Session 3, you could pay me in class the $48 on Week 6 of this session.  Or you could mail it to me by June 15th.  Then, I am traveling to Scotland, so I will need to have enough time to contact families on the waitlist if you are unable to attend Session 3.

If you have any questions, please let me know.



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