Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fun Facts!

Surprise Madame Qerimi!  This week, I thought I'd do a few fun facts I've learned about you!  :)

  • Yesterday was her birthday!  Joyeux anniversaire!  Thank you for teaching a great class on your b-day! 
  • In addition to her educational background in Art Therapy and French, she is also Montessori certified! No wonder she has so many creative ideas for art projects!  She often integrates aspects of the Montessori philosophy in the classroom.
  • In her home, they often speak French, Albanian, and English with her son.  How fun would that be to have a tri-lingual home!
  • She is an awesome advocate for our group in the community, promoting it many places - church, schools... Even promoting it while getting her teeth cleaned at the dentist office - now that is a committed teacher! She is a great example of ways to share about our class! 
  • She believes in and has seen the many benefits of introducing children to a second language, especially at a young age! Now is an excellent time to introduce it and then build from there! 
  • She is full of many strategies and ideas for incorporating French in the home! 
  • She has a real enthusiasm and excitement for our group, and goes above and beyond with her time and resources.  She often tells me how much she loves teaching this class! 
Hoping I didn't embarrass you too much Madame Qerimi!  :)  Just wanted to say Merci Beaucoup for for all you do!    

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