Saturday, May 23, 2015

Week 5 Updates

Bonjour!  Week 5 is coming up in a few more days!  Here are two updates about the class...

1.  As a reminder, this week Madame Qerimi will be talking about Sports!  Your child is welcome to dress up in any type of sports attire - ballet, football, swimming, soccer... just a few ideas.  If you forget, there is a dress up bin at the Family Center.  :)

2.  We will have a guest speaker for the moms, Monica Zela - Koort who is the Regional Director from Academic Adventures in America.  She has placed international students from France for 25+ years for short term or longer term stays.  Some of the families she placed are from the Kettle Moraine Home Educators community.  For those interested in learning about it, she will come to speak for about 20 minutes and bring information.

3.  Occasionally, we will have guest speakers in our class.  Later this summer, we will have a speaker from France!  If you know of someone who you think would be a neat speaker to have in class, please let me know.

Have a nice Memorial Day weekend!

Dieu Benisse!  God bless,


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