Sunday, May 17, 2015

Testing - Previous Emails

Testing 1, 2, 3....  Testing 1, 2, 3

I thought it would be a good idea to do a test run for a post for our new blog!  Below is a copy of the last group email I sent out....

I can't believe we are already in Week 4!  Time is flying by.
Here is an updated link with youtube videos... for this 6 week session.!2015-session-2/c2rd
Reminder that Week 4 (this Tuesday), is wear crazy clothes or PJs to class day!  (If you forget, there is a dress up bin at the family center).  Also, the following week, Week 5, is wear sports clothes.  And, please try to make it to Week 6 because Madame Qerimi has a special treat from the children planned for the parents!  (This is also tea party, so please each bring a treat for the class).  
Have a nice evening!  Bonsoir!

Hello again!
I forgot to mention, for those of you who didn't yet fill out the class survey, we would really appreciate your feedback.  Here is the link, and if you would like to pass on a question, no problem at all, just put NA or skip it. The results go to me and Madame Qerimi.

Merci Beaucoup!

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