Thursday, September 17, 2015

Directions for St. Johns!


Looking forward to classes starting again soon!  I'm really missing that regular practice!

Here are the directions for finding the classroom.

Tuesday, September 29th 3:30 - 4:30

Go to St. Johns School
W899 S. 6th Ave. West Bend

Park in the lot in between the church and the Early Childhood building.  Please don't park in the front row facing the building as it is reserved for pick up and drop off.

You will walk to the doors and there is a buzzer to come in.  You can go up the stairs right next to the entry and the Early Childhood room is up there where the 3-6 year olds will meet.  I will be there the first day to give directions until a little before class starts.

If you have a stroller like me, there are elevators a little down the hallway, I can direct you there as well.

The older kids will meet in the library which is just around the corner from the Early Childhood room.

Hope it's smooth sailing for you to find the class!  Please let me know at if you have any questions.

Merci!  Marianne

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