Thursday, September 17, 2015

Meet Your Teacher for the 7-10 Year Olds!

Meet Our New Teacher for the 7-10 Yr Olds!
I am pleased to introduce you to your new French teacher, Madeline!  Here is a brief Q&A so you can get to know her a little.  And, she looks forward to meeting you and your children soon!
Welcome to Les Amis!  You are currently a student from West Bend High School’s French program and are volunteering student teaching for us this fall!  Please tell us a little about yourself, your grade level and French experience? 
Hi my name is Madeline Mollwitz, and I am so excited to be apart of this program. I think the entire program is wonderful, and I wish I had had a program like this when I was younger! Anyways, I am a senior at West Bend East High School, and I am currently in AP French 6(my second year of AP French). French is most definitely the class that I look forward to most every day at school. I absolutely love learning new things about the language and culture everyday, and I am beyond excited to share my knowledge with you as well as you sharing your knowledge with me!
What made you want to learn French?
When I was in fifth grade, I had to choose between French and Spanish. Being 10 years old, I was completely mesmerized by the Eiffel Tower, and I believed that taking French meant that I would get to see it someday. I am extremely thankful that 10 year old me made that decision because ever since I have fallen in love with the beautiful language of French, as well as accomplishing my goal of seeing the Eiffel Tower.
If you could travel anywhere in France, where would you like to go and why?
If I could travel anywhere in France I would love to go back to Annecy. Last spring I traveled to France with my class, and we stayed with host families in Annecy. The town had a gorgeous view of the French Alps, as well as an older part of town that was so European and just breathtaking. Besides the town itself I met so many wonderful people there, and would love to go back and visit.
What are your plans for the future?
My plans for college are not certain yet, but I am hoping to go to University of Wisconsin- Whitewater or University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee. I am hoping to double major in Elementary and Special Education with a minor in French.
What are some things you like to do for fun?
I am on my school's tennis team and the President of Dolphin's Synchronized Swim Club at my school. I absolutely love both, and have so much fun with them. I am also a huge book, movie, and music nerd. I love hiking, and exploring new places. My favorite hobby would be finding new coffee shops to go to!
Do you have any advice about teaching our children French?
I would very much encourage speaking practice. Speaking, especially in conversations, is generally the most difficult aspect of French in my experience. Plus, you get the added bonus of listening practice while helping someone with their speaking! Also, don't be afraid to make mistakes! Making mistakes is the best part of French because you can learn so much from them.
Thank you for volunteering, we look forward to having you teach!

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