Monday, May 25, 2015

Session 3 Schedule

Dear Parents,

Session 3 will begin on July 1st, this group will meet on WEDNESDAYS, not Tuesdays during just the summer.  Then, back to Tuesdays in the Fall.

The location for classes is not yet known, but it should be at either the West Bend Family Center, West Bend Library, or St. Johns school.  I will keep you posted on that.

Hoping to get 4 or 5 more families interested so a Thursday group can be started too.  I think it will hopefully happen by the fall, and possibly by summer.  So, please spread the word! :)

If you want to join Session 3, you could pay me in class the $48 on Week 6 of this session.  Or you could mail it to me by June 15th.  Then, I am traveling to Scotland, so I will need to have enough time to contact families on the waitlist if you are unable to attend Session 3.

If you have any questions, please let me know.



Saturday, May 23, 2015

Directions for Following Blog

Bonjour!  J'espere que vous rencontrez une bonne journee!  (I hope you are having a good day!)

The blog is officially up and running! Yay! Here is a quick summary of how the blog will work.  I will post ALL important class updates on the blog, along with fun resources shared in class, and teacher updates from Madame Qerimi.  If you become a "follower" of the blog, the posts will automatically come to your email address - no need to click on a link.  Once you "follow" the blog, you actually never have to go back to the blog again!  (Unless you want to check out past messages....). I tried it out with my email and it is awesome! 

Why a blog you may ask?  The centralized blog will really help amp up the organization of the class and make communication more streamlined.  And, it's helpful to know we can always go there if we want to look back on previous messages for various reasons. In addition, any new group members can review the blog to catch up on things they may have missed... 

So...  here is how you do it!  :)   It should take less than a minute and then you will be set to go moving forward.  

1.  Click on our blog link....

2.  From your desktop:   you will see a place to enter your email address on the upper right hand side of the screen.  Enter your email there and hit submit.  Then, immediately  go to your email to confirm that you want to be a follower.

3. From your phone:   If you are on your phone, the place to enter your email address does not automatically show up.  Scroll to the bottom of the page where it says "View web version".  (Right above my picture of About Me.)  Then, you will see the place to enter your email.  Once you enter it, immediately go to your email and confirm that you want to follow.

Once you complete the above steps to follow the blog, you will be set to go with all messages pertaining to the class and you'll never need to go back to the blog again unless you want to.  

See you in class!

Note from the Teacher

Note from Madame Qerimi  ~

The class this week was enthused to learn about clothing!  The children were excited to wear their special clothes and sing about them.  They were deeply involved in their necklace / bracelet making.  It was nice to see everyone working hard and smiling when they accomplished their end result!  I noticed many students asking for the colors or shapes of beads in French during the exercise.

Bonne traveaille mes etudiants!

Week 5 Updates

Bonjour!  Week 5 is coming up in a few more days!  Here are two updates about the class...

1.  As a reminder, this week Madame Qerimi will be talking about Sports!  Your child is welcome to dress up in any type of sports attire - ballet, football, swimming, soccer... just a few ideas.  If you forget, there is a dress up bin at the Family Center.  :)

2.  We will have a guest speaker for the moms, Monica Zela - Koort who is the Regional Director from Academic Adventures in America.  She has placed international students from France for 25+ years for short term or longer term stays.  Some of the families she placed are from the Kettle Moraine Home Educators community.  For those interested in learning about it, she will come to speak for about 20 minutes and bring information.

3.  Occasionally, we will have guest speakers in our class.  Later this summer, we will have a speaker from France!  If you know of someone who you think would be a neat speaker to have in class, please let me know.

Have a nice Memorial Day weekend!

Dieu Benisse!  God bless,


Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Fun Facts!

Surprise Madame Qerimi!  This week, I thought I'd do a few fun facts I've learned about you!  :)

  • Yesterday was her birthday!  Joyeux anniversaire!  Thank you for teaching a great class on your b-day! 
  • In addition to her educational background in Art Therapy and French, she is also Montessori certified! No wonder she has so many creative ideas for art projects!  She often integrates aspects of the Montessori philosophy in the classroom.
  • In her home, they often speak French, Albanian, and English with her son.  How fun would that be to have a tri-lingual home!
  • She is an awesome advocate for our group in the community, promoting it many places - church, schools... Even promoting it while getting her teeth cleaned at the dentist office - now that is a committed teacher! She is a great example of ways to share about our class! 
  • She believes in and has seen the many benefits of introducing children to a second language, especially at a young age! Now is an excellent time to introduce it and then build from there! 
  • She is full of many strategies and ideas for incorporating French in the home! 
  • She has a real enthusiasm and excitement for our group, and goes above and beyond with her time and resources.  She often tells me how much she loves teaching this class! 
Hoping I didn't embarrass you too much Madame Qerimi!  :)  Just wanted to say Merci Beaucoup for for all you do!    

Sunday, May 17, 2015


If you  have not already done so, we would really appreciate it if you would complete this survey about the French class.  If there is a question you would prefer to not to answer, you can skip over it or put NA.

Thank you!

French Bible Verse

Je suis avec toi.  Acts 18:10  (First part)

I am with you.

French Bible versus to share with your children!

Etsy listing...

Testing - Previous Emails

Testing 1, 2, 3....  Testing 1, 2, 3

I thought it would be a good idea to do a test run for a post for our new blog!  Below is a copy of the last group email I sent out....

I can't believe we are already in Week 4!  Time is flying by.
Here is an updated link with youtube videos... for this 6 week session.!2015-session-2/c2rd
Reminder that Week 4 (this Tuesday), is wear crazy clothes or PJs to class day!  (If you forget, there is a dress up bin at the family center).  Also, the following week, Week 5, is wear sports clothes.  And, please try to make it to Week 6 because Madame Qerimi has a special treat from the children planned for the parents!  (This is also tea party, so please each bring a treat for the class).  
Have a nice evening!  Bonsoir!

Hello again!
I forgot to mention, for those of you who didn't yet fill out the class survey, we would really appreciate your feedback.  Here is the link, and if you would like to pass on a question, no problem at all, just put NA or skip it. The results go to me and Madame Qerimi.

Merci Beaucoup!